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Clay Pot Cooler Guide
Assembling, Using, and Maintaining Clay Pot Coolers

MIT D-Lab, the World Vegetable Center, and Institut d'Economie Rurale (IER) developed this guide in order to disseminate information about this simple, low-cost technology that uses the principle of evaporative cooling to provide improved storage for fruits and vegetables. The guide, now available in several languages, covers the following topics:

  • How evaporative cooling works

  • Importance of proper fruit and vegetable storage 

  • Types of clay pot coolers and how to assemble them

  • Fruit and vegetable compatibility

  • Best practices for using clay pot coolers​​


English guide cover .jpg

This guide is the centerpiece of an ongoing training program funded by the Innovation, Technology, & Research Hub at USAID and the Islamic Development Bank in the Mopti region of Mali as well as CoolVeg's program in collaboration with Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) in the Maradi, Tillabéri, and Zinder regions of Niger as part of Feed the Future's Yalwa Activity.

The clay pot cooler guide is available in the languages listed below. CoolVeg is available to support the adaptation of this guide into additional languages. The versions listed below are formatted for viewing on a screen. A version arranged to be printed and stapled to create a physical booklet is available upon request.

English centerfold guide.jpg
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