Household scale solutions using locally available materials
Clay Pot Coolers
Practical, affordable, and effective devices
By providing a cool humid environment, clay pot coolers can improve the shelf life of many common fruits and vegetables in dry regions.
These simple devices can be quickly and easily assembled using locally available materials. Clay pot coolers typically cost between $2 and $15 depending on their size.
CoolVeg can help identify the most effective and practical designs for households, vendors, and farmers in a given context.

Training Program
Increasing usage of clay pot coolers
CoolVeg is dedicated to scaling a training program to raise awareness and build local capacity to construct and sell clay pot coolers in dry regions. This training program typically consists of training sessions lasting between 1 and 3 hours and can be conducted in partnership with agricultural extension networks, cooperatives, school garden programs, health centers, and savings groups. By creating both supply and demand for the clay pot coolers a highly sustainable and scalable dissemination effort can be created.
Training Program Outcomes

Current Projects
CoolVeg and Institut d'Economie Rurale (IER) are partnering with CARE International Mali to expand the clay pot cooler training program in the Mopti region of Mali as part of Feed the Future Sugu Yiriwa. Read more here.